Together Everyone Achieves More
Join our TEAM and help enhance the Vale School community! We have a great line-up of projects planned this year and volunteer opportunities to fit any schedule and interest.
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Dedicated to Our Teachers, Students & Community
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Gingerbread Store is December 18! Plastic shopping bags and volunteers are needed!
Vale’s annual Gingerbread Store is fast approaching! Each student will have the opportunity to shop for their family and friends. You can help by donating plastic grocery bags and/or volunteering at the event.
News & Events
Gingerbread Store is December 18! Plastic shopping bags and volunteers are needed!
Vale’s annual Gingerbread Store is fast approaching! Each student will have the opportunity to shop for their family and friends. You can help by donating plastic grocery bags and/or volunteering at the event.
2024-2025 Yearbook Cover Contest!
Vale Elementary students are invited to submit their designs for the cover of this year’s yearbook. Entries are due to your teacher by Friday, December 13.
2024-2025 Yearbook Cover Contest!
Vale Elementary students are invited to submit their designs for the cover of this year’s yearbook. Entries are due to your teacher by Friday, December 13.